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mole cricket 【蟲類】螻蛄。

mole fraction

Mole cricket is to live in subterranean , the house freely crisscross inside it , very complex , hide in the hole by day , rely on to take crops and vegetable root and tender bine life , arrived evening just runs the activity outside unkennel 螻蛄是生活在地下的,它里面的房子縱橫交錯,十分復雜,白天就躲在洞里,靠吃莊稼和蔬菜的根和嫩莖生活,到了晚間才跑出洞外活動。

Range and method of use : it can prevent various kinds of soil pests and pests on leaf corps , such as grubs , mole crickets , agrotis segetum , leafhoppers , crickets , cockchafer , bugs , armyworms , grasshoppers , and etc 使用范圍及方法:防治多種土壤害蟲和許多葉類作物上的害蟲,如:蠐螬、螻蛄、地老虎、葉蟬、蟋蟀、金龜子、臭蟲、粘蟲、蚱蜢等。

Dr hill herself spent years trying to work out how prairie mole crickets , a highly territorial species of burrowing insect , manage to space themselves out underground 希爾博士本人用了數年的時間,希望搞明白牧場蟋蟀這種領地特征明顯的穴居昆蟲是如何在地下劃分領地的。

Q : some types of insects , e . g . , mole crickets , can create damage on a golf course that results in unreasonable playing conditions 《高爾夫球規則》是由蘇格蘭圣安德魯斯皇家古老高爾夫球俱樂部及美國高爾夫球協會審定,世界通用的最權威職業和業余選手之行為規范用書。

Correlative analysis between trace element and medicinal effects in mole cricket 中藥螻蛄中微量元素與臨床藥效的相關性分析